Friday, December 7, 2012

How La Plata celebrates 31st December by Adults 3 - Prof. Betina Miralles

 The collage shows one of the oldest celebrations in La Plata: The burning of dolls at night on 31st December. People build the dolls of cardboard, paper and wood, inside the dolls people hide fireworks. In the night of December 31st, in the early hours of the January 1st, the dolls are burned up and the fireworks are lighted and illuminate this night of celebration. Several months before that night people start to think about what character or subject will be represented. Just then the construction begins. This celebration is an institution in the city, every year the municipality of La Plata rewards those who built the best doll of the city with a cash prize.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Adults 2C writing about places they would like to go- Prof. Gimena Ponz

Would you like to travel? Where would you like to go?
Check our presentations to get some ideas. 

Adults 2C.

Gisel and Ercilia. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Adults 3 B- Prof. Julieta Amorabieta

    The 19th of November, the city of La Plata remembers its birthday. It was founded in 1882 by Dardo Rocha, who was the governor of Buenos Aires. The idea to create a new city was born when the politicians decided to separate the capital city of the country from the capital city of the 
Buenos Aires.


The most important buildings and the outline of the city was designed by Pedro Benoit following the concepts at that moment.

    Every year the city makes several and popular parties to celebrate its foundation. The events include famous singers who usually sing against thousands of people in the Moreno square. After that, to end the night, a big firework show lights the dark sky.
    A curious tip: during the party of its 100 years, a big cake was made and distributed among the public.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Presentations by Adults 4A - Prof. Eugenia Valotta

About Rush by Pablo Facebook Twitter

Friday, October 19, 2012

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Adults 5 IT projects 2012

Adults 5  IT Projects have been uploaded to the corresponding blog. You can see the link to Adults 5 blog on the right column.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

English for giving tourist information

Do you  want to tell your English-speaking friend about the sights in your city? Well,  this exercise is for you!

It'll help you learn and practice the most useful vocabulary relating to giving tourist information. Fill in each blank with the proper (best) response from the list on the right.

Click HERE to start

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Adults 2 : Emergency !

This story happened in South Africa. First let's check your general knowledge about this country. Form groups of  2 or 3 people.You have 15 minutes to answer the following questions on a sheet of paper. Then we are going to check your answers orally.

1-Look at the map and say where is South Africa ?

2- What colour is its flag?

3- Do its colours and design have any meaning? YES! Click HERE to know. 

4- How many languages do people speak in South Africa? Do they speak English? Which other languages do people speak? Is it divided into states, counties, or what? Which city is the capital ? Click HERE and find out 

5- Before 1991, South Africa had a white minority government but the situation changed in 1990. What happened that year? Click HERE to find out

You have 30 minutes to make an online poster about South Africa or the story Emergency. Choose one wall, include images and short texts. Open your mind and be creative !