This drama, which was filmed in India in 2008, is an adaptation of the novel Q & A by
Indian author Vikas Swarup. The cast is completely Indian and it was nominated to ten
Oscars but it won eight in 2009, included Best Picture and Best Director.
Slumdog Millionaire is a story about young Indians brothers who live in the slum without
parents. One of them,Jamal, is a contestant on the famous TV program called “¿Who
want to be millionaire?”. Although he has very little education, he is able to answer all
the questions resorting to his life experience.
Indian author Vikas Swarup. The cast is completely Indian and it was nominated to ten
Oscars but it won eight in 2009, included Best Picture and Best Director.
Slumdog Millionaire is a story about young Indians brothers who live in the slum without
parents. One of them,Jamal, is a contestant on the famous TV program called “¿Who
want to be millionaire?”. Although he has very little education, he is able to answer all
the questions resorting to his life experience.
Although he is the winner of the tv program,he is arrested by the police who think that
he has cheated. Finally, Jamal wins twenty million of rupiahs.
he has cheated. Finally, Jamal wins twenty million of rupiahs.
The film was directed by Danny Boyle telling a story of poor Indian people and showing
their big problems. For example, children living in the streets without food, working for
adults and stealing to survive. Although the story is very sad, there is a happy ending.
their big problems. For example, children living in the streets without food, working for
adults and stealing to survive. Although the story is very sad, there is a happy ending.
Indian cinema is immensely popular and this film has been very successful in the world.
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